Blossom Bouquet Triple Layer Punch


Happy Monday!!!!  I spent the day designing cards using the Blossom Bouquet Triple Layer Punch for my TEAM meeting tonight.  Here's one of them… We all know how to use the flower punch for a "flower."  But it's so cool in many different ways! 

Here I used it as a border around the Small Oval Punch (retiring).

This is how I cut the punched flower to adhere it on the back of the oval.


The flowers from the Fabulous Florets stamp set were stamped using a baby wipe and Melon Mambo & Daffodil Delight reinkers – a very cool technique!

Once the flowers were stamped – I used the Postage Stamp Punch and layered them over 1-1/4" square punched Basic Black cardstock.

Here are the NEW punches:
ScreenHunter_18 Jun. 06 22.38 
ScreenHunter_19 Jun. 06 22.45 

If you'd like to order…click the "shopping girl!"

Clipart Shop 24-7 

Thanks for stopping by….

5 thoughts on “Blossom Bouquet Triple Layer Punch”

  1. I love this!!! I think I will have to try this with my group on Thursday! Thanks for sharing this awesome idea Kelly!

  2. Beautiful card, Kelly! I love the way the flowers look using the baby wipe technique. I’ve never used that one and will have to find out how to do it because I love the effect. I’m a Wisconsin girl too (Sheboygan), and now live in northern Illinois, but still not too far from you. TFS!

  3. I love it Kelly and I made one this morning, the day you sent it to us.
    Now when I typed in Fabulous Florets on SCS this one came up right away
    Diana Laabs


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